Top 5 Tips for Writing Quality Content - Excellent Content Writing, SEO and Web Designing Services


Tuesday 29 March 2016

Top 5 Tips for Writing Quality Content

If you are a technical writer, your credibility is paramount. I think you know well you must try to write in which field you are in expert. Whatever you know write as possible in your language. Hence the importance of ensuring your writing is appropriate to your readers, accurate, clear, and as easy as possible for your readers to follow your matter and come to the same though.

tips to wirte quality content, how to write quality content, Term and conditon of professional writing

Technical writing covers a wide range of activities:  here I am sharing some point that will particularly help you writing skill. Please take care these tips are not about writing any subject I am going to share only my experience so what is your opinion must comment here.

Plagiarism- This is such technique in which you follow the others idea’s and write the same meaning of any article and author’s view. Google and others search engine do not like to such content and they ignore in indexing in search result. So write as much possible in your though and ideas.

1.   Copyright infringement –
It will tarnish your professional reliability and authority. Copyright, 'the exclusive right, granted by law for a certain term of years or months, to make and dispose of copies of, and otherwise to control, a literary, musical, dramatic or artistic work', protects creators from unauthorized copying of all or a substantial part of their work. Copyright laws differ between country, state and any special region, so make sure you know well what the law in your country allows you to do. If you need to have permission from the author, do it - don't just hope you'll get away with it.

2. Acknowledge the sources- it is very important of related material you've used will, at the very least, lessen the respect of your colleagues. And remember to check that your citations are correct and written smartly – take care of the use of commas and full stops. Always remember to your writing style guide if you need to refresh your memory power.

3. Using generalizations – It is very important that what you are writing the reader can understand well. It helps to readers questioning your authority. Phrases like 'everyone knows', 'we all know', 'research suggests' are best avoided as they can cause readers to wonder if you really do know what you're saying. So always go on track I mean the one topic only at one time.

4. Lack of consideration of ease of understanding - it can make the task of reading your technical information that much harder. Generally, your readers dislike huge chunks of text or overcrowding of the page; spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes; lots of words when a graph, table or illustration could tell your story more easily; lack of headings or other techniques to guide them through your document; use of jargon or technical terms that aren't adequately explained; lack of consistency in paragraph spacing, caption style, use of shortened forms, font selections, etc.

5. Revise the whole content - Having written your report, it's time to check that you've not fallen into any of these traps. Reread, and, if necessary, rewrite, add missing citations, alter the layout.  If necessary ask friends or expert to review it. Ask someone who's not been involved with the project if they have any difficulties reading and understanding your report. Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation; review consistency. If they understand well then it’s ok. If you are professional writer and writing for and organization or special topic then review by your owner who is handling the project.

Then be confident that your professionalism and credibility have not been lessened by your writing.

Now I think you are able to increase your visibility across the world and able to understand your real audience.

All aspects of my work focus on the use of plain English and on ways to increase the readability of your document so that your readers won't struggle to read what you've written, or to clearly understanding your message.